Adventure Pictures
Happy Tuesday everyone! Have you been able to make many outdoor memories with your Wolf Valley Forge axe yet this fall? We love seeing pictures, and hearing about your adventures! Mr. Medrick shared these pictures with us from his recent salmon fishing trip up in Alaska. We loved seeing him putting his Wolf Valley Forge…
Behind the Scenes: Axe Eye Video
Happy Monday everyone! I’m here today to share another Wolf Valley Forge video with all of you. In this video, Ike gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how he punches those axe eyes! We hope you enjoy. Do you have any videos you’d like to see? We’d love to hear your ideas! Thank you for…
Christmas Orders
Happy Fall everyone! We hope you’re enjoying this newly-arrived season so far. Are you looking forward to hunting, hiking and camping seasons? For those of you looking for a Christmas gift for the outdoor enthusiast in your life, have you considered a Wolf Valley Forge axe? Right now is the time to get your order…
Bush Axe Close-Ups
Hey there! Today I’m popping in to share some pictures of two custom Bush Axes. The Bush Axe is our second largest model, with a handle length of 21-inches and a head weight of 1lb. 6-7oz. The Bush Axe above has several different custom options. It features a Chestnut Hickory handle, with Handle Cross-Hatching and…