
Thank you so much to each of my customers for your business and support! I truly appreciate your orders, and am always so happy to hear from you! A huge thank you for each of these enthusiast reviews, and I hope that your axes will be greatly enjoyed for years to come!Ike

Mr. IKE, Took delivery of your art work yesterday! Amazing! Got home from work and yeah, played with it, admired it and just Amazing! I still can’t believe back in the day a knife and this was pretty much all he needed! Incredible! Ok, on to your art work! BEAUTIFUL! Feels so good in the hand and is so controllable. Now let’s talk about your leather work! Wow! Just wow! I will be passing your tools down to my family! Heirlooms! Thank you again for your American ingenuity, craftsmanship, it’s a lost art these days! GOD BLESS YOU! Looking forward to my next purchase!!!! – Jim D.

I received my axe yesterday and love it! – Kory C.

Hi Ike, I received the Bush Axe last night. Just by visual inspection the quality exceeded my expectation. Well worth the wait and amount of time I spent researching to find exactly what I required.  It’s so great looking I am almost ashamed to use it as it was intended to be used, however I am a utilitarian and excited to put it to the test. I am supporter of quality over quantity.  Thank you for your expert craftsmanship. – Brandon B.

Hey Ike! This is a fabulous hatchet. Real nice weight to it. Hate to even bang it up but it’s going to get a work out. Between breaking chest bones on big game and back country woodsman chores, this is exactly what I was looking for! It’s going to fit in my bag perfectly too…Love the sheath…Can’t thank you enough. I’ll be spreading the word thru the Traditional Archery groups I’m in….God Bless, Your friend, – Monte B.

Ike, the axe is beautiful!!! Well worth the wait thank you much. – Corey K.

Ike,I received the axe today and I have to say that I am truly blown away by your craftsmanship. The attention to detail is stunning and it feels perfect in the hands. I will cherish this axe and am excited to bring it along on the many camping trips to come. Undoubtedly, I will pass it along to my son one day. Thank you again. – Nick W.

The hatchet is awesome. Exactly what we wanted. Definitely worth the wait. Thank you. – Daniel S.

I just took it out of the box. This is beautiful! It’s not just an axe, it’s truly a work of art. Everything is beyond perfect. Also the leather sheath and guard and belt holster are better than I ever imagined. Definitely worth the wait! Thank you for all your hard work. I’ll be ordering again sometime in the near future. – Jordan K.

Good afternoon Ike, Just wanted to let you know that I am very pleased with the axe. Everything ( sheath, handle and axe head ) is quality craftsmanship. I think you are right there with the best. Thanks, – Brian H.

Ike, I absolutely love the axe and shoulder rig! It looks great, well balanced, and it’s everything I expected and more. I’m sure it will accompany me on all future outings and I can’t wait to put it to good use.
I’m Looking forward to the double bit too! – Jon U.

Ike, received the axe….Very impressed and extremely pleased! – Mike S.

Love the fit and finish of your axes and handles. I love everything about them. Looking forward to receiving my Canoe axe next year. – Kenly N.

Good news! We just got home and the package was sitting at our doorstep! The axe is fantastic! Thank you for your craft! – JC H.

Mr. Ike, wow! These are such a gift to receive. They are beautiful. I can tell you really care about your work and I am really happy to be putting these to use soon, here in Virginia. I’d so grateful to have them and to you sir.And thank you for the mug, it holds the right amount of coffee for me! All of the very best, – Jesse T.

I just received your hatchet–it’s perfect! – Mark G.

Ike, everything arrived today. Thank you. Grip that little Kephart, and you start to appreciate this tool as something special. Compact size, just right edge profile, a useful poll and nice overall balance. Ready for the chore at hand, but not a chore to keep handy. Moments like picture shared from a past trip to the Canadian bush are treasured opportunities to be still and reflect on life’s many blessings. Plans and preparations for these trips are made with care and many hours of consideration. The little Kephart and bush axe are on the list for a return trip to that beautiful spot this time next year. Remain happy to support your business and encourage you to keep practicing your trade. – Steve H.

Hi Ike, we have received the axe and it’s beautiful! It’s a gift for our son and I know he will love it, thanks. – Ken B.

This axe is a work of art! I’ve never held an axe that felt like this one feels. The finish on the handle is amazing and the steel looks and feels perfect. I’m blown away! Thanks again for this magnificent piece. I can’t wait to take it into the woods. – Prash W.

Package received! Thank you Ike; this is beautiful. Well worth the wait. – Max M.

The Timber Pup screams balance and ergonomics, as well as excellent craftsmanship. It can throw chips better than a much larger axe and still carve fine fuzz sticks. I expect attention to detail in a custom product, but this baby exceeds my expectations! – Bob W.

Ike, I am very pleased with my purchase from you. Both the sheath quality, balance of the hatchet and the keen cutting edge are very satisfactory to me. It is such a piece of professional art that I keep it on my home desk so all that see will pick it up and smile with the same balance satisfaction that I am reporting back to you now. You are an artist at what you do sir! I will be back with you on other items. – Bill R.

Ike, recieved the axe today and what a work of craftsmanship! My friends will be jealous. Will pass along your business card to a few to recommend your wares. Take care and may the Lord watch over you. – Paul W.

Mr. Bullington, I received the axes. I am utterly appalled that you think these are acceptable for chopping trees. How could I possibly use them???……..They are much too beautiful!!! They are also perfectly balanced and feel great in the hand. I love the sheaths too. I’m not joking though—I’m horrified at the thought of scratching them! I might have to have you make me some ugly ones so I can chop some wood! 🙂 I’m really really pleased and excited to have them. Fantastic work! – Lew K.

Stunning, I love it! Almost too nice to use, but I will. Appreciate the workmanship. – Stan B.

Received the Trekker Axe today via UPS. Wow, what a beauty!! It’s the perfect forest and camp axe. Beautiful balance and weight. The leather parts are perfect, but the axe handle is amazing!! I really appreciate your fine workmanship on this project, and am thrilled to own it. Many thanks! – Mike A.

Hello Ike! I received my axe. and my many thanks Sir. The quality and craftsmanship are more than I hoped for! The axe is beautiful and I want you to know it will become a valued legacy piece for myself and my family. My youngest Son said as he held it, “Dad you’re not actually gonna use that right? You need to put it in a case!” Haha, many thanks Sir worth the wait and then some. – Derek L.

Received my axe last night. Very pleased with both the axe and the holster. Can’t wait to test the blade. No decision yet on its name. Read every word of your booklet. Thanks for putting your heart  into the workmanship. – Leo

Thank you so much Mr. Ike!!! They are beautiful!!!! – Todd W.

I wanted to follow up now with most of the season done. I carried the axe in my backpack all season. Every time out.  It is heavier than my store bought ax, but so much worth it. I’m looking at going with another smaller model. I carry the trail ax out every time I go. It’s perfectly balanced, handles great and is an indispensable component to my pack. Thank you for what you do. – Randall M.

I want to wish you and your love ones a very Merry Christmas full of joy and happiness. I have waited with opening the box till today. Since it was a present to myself. The hatchet is great and I can’t wait till I put it to some camp work. Thank you very much; it is definitely a work of art. Well worth the wait. – Jack

I got my axe this morning and used it today. I love it. Thank you!!! – Stacy H.

I just wanted to confirm receipt of shipment with you. It’s a gorgeous hatchet and is exactly what I was looking for. I won’t be able to put it through it’s paces until it cools down a bit, but it’s the perfect size and weight for belt carry, almost replacing the need of a fix blade if paired with a decent folder for more delicate work. Thanks! – David S.

Hey Ike I just got it in and all I have to say is…WOW!!! This axe is perfect in every way I can look at it! I can’t even bring myself to put it down. Thank you so much, it is amazing!! I can’t wait to put it to work!…Thank you Ike! I put it to work today and it performs like a dream. – Dylan R.

Ike, I received the [timber] pup axe, and it’s perfect. I really appreciate all the hard work to make it. I will be using it on splitting small pieces of mesquite for smoking meats on my smoker. I also go tent camping and use it for many camping chores. The finish and attention on the axe as well as the sheath is absolutely perfect. Thank You Soooo Much, – Greg G.

I just received my Double Bit and I have to let you know that you are an amazing blacksmith and create art. I look forward to working with it. – Charles D.

Dear Mr. Ike, I just wanted to let you know that I use my ax for the first time today. It had been on the mantle piece for a while. It is truly awesome. What a wonderful thing. I’m very grateful for it and I’ll probably be ordering a larger one soon. – Jesse T.

I received my axe today and opened it with my wife! We were both delighted with the beautiful craftsmanship that went into it! It has great heft and balance for its size. I am a woodworker and the handle is a true work of art! The head is also great, good and sharp, with good balance! Everything from the head, handle and sheath are first rate! My wife is not a knife/axe person, but even she commented on the balance and overall craftsmanship! We both feel that it was well worth the wait! – Steve S.

Good morning Mr. Bullington, I did receive the ax you built for me. I am so pleased with this ax. I will use this ax on my hiking, camping and when I scout the woods for future hunting. I purchased a knife from your brother so this will make a nice pair to carry during my activities. Thank You so much for your work on this ax. – Hughie D.

Mr. Ike, Today I decided it was time to submit a testimonial for the Bush Axe you built for me after a year of use. Everyone writes that you send us a work of art. They are not lying, this is a very functional work of art. The craftsmanship is beyond any expectations I had. The edge was razor sharp out of the box. I have now used this tool for a year and what a pleasure it is to use. It lives in my truck so I am never without it. The heat treat for edge retention is perfect. The ceramic puck and your instructions for edge maintenance work great. It has been on every camping and hunting trip for my seasons here in the Pacific Northwest. I was almost disappointed at how well it held the razor edge because I wanted to use the sharpening puck I purchased with the axe. The coffee cup is in my hand almost every morning. I have enjoyed it so much that when I hit your page to write this I placed an order for another axe. Now I am looking forward to adding a Chipper for backpacking trips next year. – Tim M.

Boy, I feel like I had something made for me by an old world craftsman. Forget Sweden, forget Germany, we have the best right here in the USA, Alabama specifically. You’ve really raised the bar that others will try to reach, but probably won’t. Hey, thanks again and it was well worth the wait. I have friends from the east coast to the west coast that I will be recommending your axes to, so expect more than just a few new orders coming your way. Thanks again, your friend – Brian R.

Just got the axe, and it’s even better than expected! Man it’s perfect! I can’t wait to get out on some backcountry trails. I may be buying a full size axe from you down the road. I appreciate all the fine, hard work, and attention to detail. Fantastic work, and a pleasure working with you. – Robert O.

This morning @ approx. 9:00 a.m. our postman left some parcels and among them were the axe. Sorry to say, I was somewhat disappointed after opening…NOT…I will probably spend the rest of the day admiring my most recent work of art. Mind you, I expect nothing but the best from you and you fail to disappoint. Thank you, thank you, thank you ! Yesterday you said God bless…He blessed me by finding you on the internet and directed me to you and your work. In this day and age, very seldom do you get value received but I can say that your work is the exception to the rule. – Charles P.

I just got the axe in tonight when I got home. I am absolutely stunned, what an absolute beauty! This is a work of art…I’m beside myself with your quality here, man. Truly awesome! – Josh W.

Dear Mr. Ike, Just took delivery of my American Master Piece! Wow! AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! Don’t know how many other words to use to get my point across! Wow! Where to start – I did what us men are not supposed to do! I read the directions first!(lol) Your book is awesome! NO EXCUSES! For any one who purchases one. It is beautiful! Yes, I did what you asked, examined it from stem to stern, and took note of all the minute details of the axe. I am looking forward to using it. And as an Executive chef, who understands and appreciates sharp knives, this is a razor! I am happy that your book explains how to use the poll. Wow! Awesome! I am so happy that we have incredible craftsmen and craftsmanship still in this great nation! Thank you so much for your hard work, your masterpiece and attention to detail! God bless you, and your beautiful family! – Jim D.

Ike, Those axes exceeded the very high expectations I had while anticipating their delivery! Absolutely works of art that I’ll use and eventually hand down to my son and grandsons. I’ve never owned anything like these axes and I’m extremely proud to have tools so well designed and well made. I thank God for hard working, honest folks like you who still care about their trade and turn out excellent products. Many thanks for the devotion you have to your profession! – Steve G.

Ike, It looks great! The size is perfect, the shape and details are also great! I will use it carefully and treasure it for it’s craftsmanship.Thank you! – Karl S.

Ike, thank you so very much for the Axe! My husband is beyond thrilled! Like clockwork, it was nine months to the nose just as you predicted, and worth every second! God Bless, – Heidi N.

I had high expectations for this axe, but let me tell you, you managed to EXCEED my expectations. I am not impressed very often, but this is a pure work of art. I have not had the chance to put it to work yet, but I look forward to the coming years/decades with this tool that I will undoubtedly pass to my children. BTW, when my wife asked how much it was she even said “THAT’S IT?!” LOL – Sean E.

I received my long-awaited axe, and I cannot be more impressed. I anticipated that it would be nice. I am blown away by the craftsmanship of the axe and the leatherwork. Everything really exceeds expectations. Almost too pretty to use! Just wanted to say thank you and let you know it was worth the wait. I will wait until I get out using it to send pictures and post a review, but first impressions are above and beyond expectations. – Justin D.

Ike, received my package a couple of days ago. Strong and beautiful piece you made for me. I believe it is sharper than my knife! I love American and your craftsmanship. Thanks again for my American-made hatchet. – Terry R.

Ike!! These axes are pieces of art!! The craftsmanship is amazing! I cannot wait to try them out! Thank you so much! – Amy S.

Hi Ike, received the axes today and am completely blown away! Awesome craftsmanship, and tools I will cherish. Thank you. Stay blessed and stay safe. – Dennis O.

What can I say…these axes are too nice to use! Not only am I impressed with your forging, but your woodworking and leather skills are not to be denied. Provided I live long enough, I will get years of pleasure just admiring your workmanship. It certainly is nice getting value received for a purchase, and I truly have. Thank you again, Mr. Ike. – Charles P.

Ike, they are gorgeous!!! I am delighted. One of them is a gift for my son, and I know he will just love it. Thanks very much. You are a very talented blacksmith, wood and leather craftsman. I will treasure these for the rest of my life. – Pete S.

Your craftsmanship on the axe is just incredible! The beautiful wood haft is ergonomically shaped and is a pleasure to hold – either choked up for close work or held down at the rounded, swelled end
for a downward thrust on a small billet headed for the kindling pile. The head itself is forged and finished with a perfect blend of the time-honored old-world look and feel, along with the extraordinary polish and shine as the taper meets the cutting edge – which is razor sharp. The mask is a work of art in itself: supple leather stitched with precision, and the neat string tie to pull it securely on to the head, with that cool button lock/release mechanism. The whole thing is a marvel, and I am indebted to you for making this for me. I will treasure this special tool forever. Now, I need to get on your long list for a Camp Axe! – Jerry A.

I received the long awaited axe today. It is absolutely amazing. In a world where true craftsmanship and skill are a dying breed, you stand tall sir. Thanks so much for the time and effort that you put into this tool, it will be a family heirloom that will be passed down to my son, and hopefully many generations after. – Brandon H.

Hello Ike! I wanted to let you know that I have received the Axe! I cannot thank you enough for this beautiful work of art! The craftsmanship is unbelievable. This Axe will stay in my family forever and be put to good use. Thank you so much Ike! I am one happy customer! – Anthony C.

Hi Ike, your masterpiece arrived a day earlier. I’m speechless. Your skill set is truly impressive. From the blacksmithing to how perfectly hung the head is. I believe your leatherwork is some of the best in the business. The overall package is truly exceptional. I’m thrilled. I can’t thank you enough. Stay healthy and God bless you and your family. P.S.- I can already tell that your axe will replace my long time favorite the GB Scandinavian forest axe. The thin profile of the gripping end is perfect. Your product is well worth the wait. – Michael P.

Good afternoon Ike, I just received my Bush Axe and all I can say is WOW. This axe is beyond what I was expecting. I am looking forward to putting it to work. Keep up the great work! – Peter S.

Hi Ike, I received the Trail Axes, and I love the color and everything else. They are beautifully done! Arrived just in the right time for the winter. I cannot wait to split some fire wood! Thank you very much! Best regards, – Hiro F.

Ike, I received my new Bush Axe yesterday and I was so excited to open the box. I have to say that the craftsmanship and feel of the axe was beyond expectations. I look forward to many years of enjoying my new friend. I am also excited to show it off to family and friends. Thanks again for the personal touch that I can tell is in this axe!  – Glen B.

Hello Ike, I received my axe yesterday.  Very nice.  I chipped away on some scrub oak branches on the lot today.  Works very well.  I appreciate your hard work in making a premium product.  Hard to find these days.  Again, take care. – Robert P.

I unpacked the Trail Axe early this morning – it is stunning. Your work on the head is magnificent, and the thought you put into the shape and ergonomics of the haft speaks for itself in the balance and feel. The sheath is just beautiful: and sturdy with those spectacular copper rivets. Thanks so much, and today I will venture out into the field where I need to address a large fallen oak limb. “Chappy” (Happy Chopper) will accompany me on this, its first task in my hands. You have whetted my appetite for the next one……. Best Regards, – Jerry A.

Hi Ike, I just received my Chipper! It looks beautiful. It feels really nice in the hand… I really appreciate your craftsmanship and professionalism. Keep up the good work. Thanks, – Chris L.

Ike, I didn’t like my axe – I LOVED MY AXE.  I loved it so much I ordered two more! These will make gifts that will be passed to generations. THANK YOU SO MUCH for investing yourself and your time into such a beautiful piece of work. – Ellison B.

The axe arrived in good shape – and worked a charm on a last minute climbing trip over the weekend! Thanks very much, it’s a really beauty and a joy to use. – Colin B.

I am really loving the Trail Axe you made for me.  Made a nice duck blind, cut a couple deer up, butchered about 30 squirrels with it, processed tons of campfire wood, best small axe I’ve ever used! I’m sure it’s going to be great on my trapline in a few weeks. Love the traditional look too, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments!   – Drew T.

Hi Ike, I’m thrilled with the Chipper you made for me. It’s another true masterpiece. I truly believe your axes are a type of sculpture. Definitely art. Very excited to be able to carry it around with me on my belt. – Michael P.

I received the Timber Pup today. It looks great! Even though it is brand new, I feel like I am holding history. – Chuck K.

When I came home I opened the package from you with the little ax, the sharpening puck, the sharpening rod, the User´s Book and the nice card from you! Everything is of the highest quality, the ax sheath leather has the same thick wonderful leather as the Kephart knife has and I just love the waxed canvas bag for the puck. Every detail has been taken care of and they are all top quality products! I watched your video again about sharpening the ax with the puck and the rod. Thank you so much for the Horace Kephart axe which has a story behind it. – Lars O.

Hi Ike, The little Kephart arrived today-thank you. It’s a little beauty. When I hold your axe in one hand and Lucas’s knife in the other, I can almost hear ol’ Kep in the Happy Hunting Grounds saying, “Where were the Bullingtons when I needed them?” Stay safe and well. – Sam A.

The axe arrived today and it looks incredible; my son’s going to love it.  The shirt is awesome and thank you for providing the additional sheath.  Appreciate the great work and the communication during the process. You rock! – Adam S.

I received the axe today. I was very impressed with the whole package. Easily the sharpest edge in the house right now.   – Joe C.

Good morning Ike, Just wanted to let you know I received my Canoe Axe. Absolutely gorgeous! Already put it to work making kindling for the fireplace. I can already see it will be my constant companion around the yard and in the woods. Thank you – Jim M.

Good morning Ike, Just wanted to let you know I received my Canoe Axe. Absolutely gorgeous!

Ike, I never thought I would say this about an axe, but this is a thing of beauty, a work of art! Thanks! I can’t wait to show it off to my hunting buddies, they will be so jealous, Thanks again. – John M.

Hi Ike, I got it today. It is beautiful! Thank you and I appreciated the extras in the box. It was like second Christmas. I already read your book and it has some great stuff.  I hope to spend a lot of time with my pup in the woods.
Thanks for everything. – Kevin C.

Ike, we received the axe today.  It is absolutely beautiful.  My son may decide to display it on his wall….lol.  It was a pleasure to do business with you. Blessings, – Phyllis M.

I received my Canoe and Chipper axes recently and am absolutely thrilled with both pieces. I own a few other, high-end custom axes forged by very well-known craftsman and suffice it to say I’m pleased I stumbled across you. You’re at the pinnacle of your trade. The quality and attention to detail found in your work is second to none. Keep up the phenomenal work Ike. – Michael B.

My order was delivered today – the edge sharpness is outstanding, black metal workmanship is excellent, leather sheathes fit tight, wood shafts are fitted into the heads as tight as can be fitted.  If I want cheap, there are other sellers, but for hand forged, high quality, edged tools like these at a realistic price (not cheap but worth it!) you ROCK! – Dave C.

Hey there Mr. Ike! I’m very happy to inform you that my Carpenter’s Axe showed up unscathed by USPS. The axe is just so phenomenal thus far. – Storm G.

Ike….I received my axes tonight….I’m speechless…. amazing craftsmanship….balance and feel….like they were sculpted for my hands…the leatherwork is crisp and fitting…keep up the great work!! – Brian H.

Good afternoon Ike, I just received the axes and they are well worth the wait! When I am not carrying these in the back country I will hang them on my den wall with the other artwork. Thank you. – Charles M.

Ike, received the axe in the mail and wanted you to know how impressed I am with the design and finish. Very impressive. I look forward to using it in the future. The sheath is functional and really rounds off the piece. Great work. Thanks again, – Shawn F.

I have received the beautiful axe. I sincerely appreciate your efforts, and I am impressed with the blade edge finish. I am excited to try it out for roughing out wood carving blanks. – Greg D.

I received it today. It looks great and I love the feel of it. I will take great care of it. Thanks. – Bill G.

Hey there Ike – Wanted you to know that I received the Trekker Axe today. All I can say is, “wow”! What a beautiful axe…the head, handle and shoulder rig…all of it! Cannot wait to use it. Thank for the excellent craftsmanship. – Dave M.

Ike, I received my axe tonight. I have no words to describe this! What a piece of art. This thing is superb. You totally blew right on past my expectations, sir. I cannot wait to use it now. I like the user book as well. I want to thank you again for the excellent service and for constructing such a fine quality crafted piece. It feels great in my hand. I will definitely be sharing this experience with friends. Thank you. – Adam L.

Just a quick note to let you know my husband just received your Trail Axe and he LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The workmanship is GREAT. –Ruth W.

My brother gave me the Timber Pup for my birthday and I am blown away with the quality of your work. Thank you. –Colin L.

Ike, Axe arrived today and I immediately opened and headed to the woods to test. This axe has GREAT balance and cuts great. Thanks so much for producing such a useful and beautiful tool. – Milton M.

Good Morning Ike, Just received your axe… Absolutely beautiful work! Well worth the wait. Thank you! – Shawn R.

Hey Ike, I just wanted to let you know this axe is a work of art!  It’s so beautiful I’m not sure if I want to use it or hang it on the wall.  I like it so much I just ordered another one that I will give to my brother for Christmas.  Also – I took it to work and you’ll probably be getting a few more orders from my buddies there who found it as amazing as I did! Keep up the great work and thank you. – Bill L.

Ike, My son loves the ax! Your craftsmanship is amazing along with your attention to detail!  Well done and thank you. – Jeff B.

Ike, I just got the axe and it’s a work of art! Couldn’t be more thrilled with it. My two sons are mesmerized by it! Thanks again. Masterful craftsmanship! – Frank L.

Lovin the little Timber Pup..Punches high for its weight. Fit and finish is excellent, at least equal too if not better than my gransfors. – Gary B.

Got the axes today. They are wonderful! Amazing craftsmanship and just so well done. You can really feel the weight and love you put into them. – Tom C.

Ike, the Timber Pup is great; I just came back from a 10 day elk hunt in Montana where I live. The Timber Pup is very sharp; I used it on my hunt. I am glad you are making these in the USA. Your craftsmanship is great. Keep up the good work. Thanks again. – David M.

…WOW!!!  Ike, the axes are TOP NOTCH QUALITY!  The pics on your website are good, but in person and “in feel” they are beyond description!  Thank you Very Much. –Chris H.

Ike, Received my axe today. Thank you so much. (You hope I really like it), is an under-statement! I love it! Love shape, weight, feel, color, patina, I love everything about it. I just can’t stop looking at it and feeling in my hand. I’m going to have to fight the urge to hang it on the wall. It is a thing of beauty….a work of art! I imagine you working on it and can tell you put a lot of yourself into it. Again, THANK YOU so much. –Sam D.

Really enjoying my little buddy.  I’ve used him mostly for chopping some kindling for my home fire pit.  Nice sharp little hatchet–and good looking too. –Mark S.

Ike, I just received the two axes in the mail and they are everything you had advertised.  I know they will get used frequently and put to the test and also just as important, I can envision them being passed on from one generation to the next, a very important aspect of “family”.  Your “User’s Book” is a nice valuable addition to the package. Ike, being one who truly appreciates the quality, value and importance of tools, I can’t thank you enough for the fine axe you make. It has been a pleasure doing business with you.  Thank you, –Walt F.

Axes and all came today.  Fantastic!!  We’ll stay in touch. Thanks, –Dan S.

Ike, New Trail Axe is doing great!!!  A REAL PLEASURE to use. I just returned from trip on AT in Great Smoky Mt. Nat’l. Park and used it each & every day. –Milton M.

I received my Kephart Hatchet this morning. The hatchet is superb from the head, to the handle, and to the sheath. Wow! You are a skilled craftsman of the highest degree. The everyday carry ability of this highly functional beauty for fishing, camping and hunting will be endless. Thank you for having the forethought of reintroducing this classic hatchet to your fellow outdoorsmen. –Paul M.

Hi Ike, My son received the axe. It is awesome! I can wait until I receive the one I ordered for myself. Thanks. –Michael W.

Sir, you make an amazing axe!! This is very easily my favorite axe!! I’ll be showing it off to all of my Bushcraft friends, and this is only my first of your tools! Thank you so much! –Daniel H.

Ike, I got the axe. It’s beautiful, and it’s so small it’s cute! I thought it would be bigger, but this is nice to fit into my gear. I love it. Thanks for the good work. –Robert G.

It is just a few months until the two year birthday of my trail axe. It is one of my favorite pieces of gear! So easy to sharpen, stays sharp, looks awesome, and chops like a champ. The moisture sucking humidity’s of western South Dakota have had no effect on the hickory handle, which is still as solid as the day that I received it. Thank you for a fine tool! –Scott W.

Received it yesterday, thank you. I just have to say again I am very impressed with your work, these axes are almost too beautiful to use! This is my second one and I have a feeling I will be ordering more! –Bill L.

I got my axe today. It’s awesome! I’m going to enjoy using it and then hand it down to my son. Thank you, –Steve R.

Got it, having a blast. Thanks, –Randy G.

I just wanted to tell you that my husband is thrilled with the trail axe you made, that I gave him on Christmas. We both appreciate your craftsmanship & professionalism from handling the order, forging the axe, and finishing it on time for Christmas. We are so happy to support your business and are proud it’s a USA product! –Joan B.

As always – your handiwork is amazing and keep up the good work.  I’m a big fan. – Peter S.

I don’t know what to say, other than the whole set up is fabulous!It is a not just a mere hatchet, but a survival tool. Craftsmanship is one thing but the design of the handle, head and sheath is traditionally outstanding. I’m taking photos tomorrow, in the sunshine, so I can share this piece of perfection with my outdoor friends. – Paul M.

Hi Ike, Got the axe yesterday-it’s an absolute beauty! I can already tell it will be a constant companion when I leave the pavement. Thank you. –Sam A.

Ike, got the axe today. It looks awesome. Great job. Can’t wait to take it out and use it. Thanks so much. – Justin L.

Ike, Received my axes safe and sound. They look awesome, good job. Hope to test them out soon. Leaving for Alaska in a week. Much appreciated, –Mike E.

Your work is great and I can’t take my hands off of the Carpenter’s axe I got from you. – Daniel B.

Ike, I received my new axe! Great job! I’m impressed with the workmanship. Reminds me of early colonial axes. Great Job and thanks for the prompt service. Good luck this year hunting! Thanks again, –Shawn K.

The axes are awesome! – Risa G.

Hey Ike – happy thanksgiving.  My wife and two kids and I spent the day exploring some of the more rugged areas (accessible to vehicles) in Montana looking for a possible home site.  After a few miles of fairly treacherous mountain roads, we came upon about a 12 inch pine tree downed across the road.  My wife’s only question was “do you have an axe or chainsaw in the back?” Of course I had two axes- a Gerber pack axe that had been my go to for hundreds of adventures, and the axe you sent a few months ago.   After an hour of sweat and help with a winch and tow strap, we cleared the tree the old fashioned way. Thanks again for a fantastic product.  The Gerber axe was like a child’s toy compared to yours.  Keep up the good work and I can’t wait for my next order to arrive. –Peter S.

Ike, I got the axe today and am very pleased. You do fine work, it will be a family heirloom. Thank you, I will be ordering a larger axe soon. –Jerry B.

Got the axe last night, it’s AWESOME – Ralph N.

The axes arrived yesterday and both are outstanding!  I am very pleased with mine… –Michael B.

Ike, your Timber Pup just arrived.  It is one beautiful little axe.  And the sheath is absolutely the best of any I have ever seen on an axe.  This axe is more than a work of art; it’s a precision tool, very precision.  I note that absolute center of the cutting edge is exactly where it should be when this axe falls.  This is exemplary craftsmanship. I looked at your web-site and am impressed with all the hand work in your axes. You, sir, are, in word, INCREDIBLY SKILLED! I’ve been consumed all day with this little axe which in a word is EXTRAORDINARY.  You really know your axes! Frankly, this is one of the best small axes I have ever seen, and the sheath that goes with it is quite honestly, the best on the planet. This axe is terrific but you will just get better and better over time. You are a very talented smith; I mean it! Meanwhile, know I am very impressed with this axe. I might add that it is the only one I have ever received that was sharp enough for shaving.  Really! Thank you, Ike. And I learned a lot from you in your video, Ike.  You’re quite a guy! Here’s wishing you the best with your forge and films. I watched your video last night: nice job! I learned some tips for making fire by friction. You are quite a woodsman!  Well done video.  Thank you. – Cliff J.

Ike, the Trail Axe arrived and it is outstanding. I can’t wait to actually put it to use. My wife liked it so much she wanted to use it in the house as interior decorating. –J.W.F.

Ike, the axes turned out just fantastic. I’m blown away by how nice they are. I will really treasure these! Thanks for the great job! –Joe B.

Ike, the axe and sheath were a smashing hit; thanks a lot!!! –Brian T.

Ike, brother….. You’ve truly outdone yourself. These are exquisite and I cannot wait to put them to the test! My grandchildren’s grandchildren will thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you and cannot wait to add more to my collection. Thank you,  –Korey S.

14 Comments on “Testimonials

  1. Thank you, Ike for the chipper.
    When it arrived I couldn’t believe your craftsman ship in making such a work of art! You are definitely a master of your trade. But make NO mistake this chipper is a working belt axe I say this because I have used it a lot during my camping trips . It is very balance in my hands extremely sharp. Ike keep up on your calling in life You are a great reminder of what this nation was built on. Handmade master craftsman ship.

  2. Hey Ike
    Been meaning to post a note before now. I really like both of my axes that you made for me. The craftsmanship is at the very top. At first I didn’t want to use them they were so nice looking. If anyone questions whether to get an axe from Ike or not, I would highly recommend his work. I know I am Very Proud of my axes and hope to get you to make me another one sometime. I also wanted to say that I really like the design of your belt sheath for your axes, again “top of the line in craftsmanship”

  3. Last week I was able to spend a few hours with Ike and Lucas. I purchased items from both companies and they purchased my items as well. It was a great day for me! Their workmanship is old world, top notch and heirloom quality on items made to work with and carry every day! You can not go wrong with Ike’s hatchets. The prices are 40% less than any big name company but the workmanship is 300% better! I’ve been a customer and friend of these artisans for 7 years and I can not recommend any company higher than the Bullington family. Make someone in your family happy and buy them a custom hatchet!

  4. I received my Bush axe yesterday-what a work of art. I can’t believe how sharp it is. It made easy work of a small tree in my yard. Can’t wait for deer camp-this axe will be there for sure. Thanks so much.

  5. I purchased a Bush Axe for my friend as a gift. Ike alerted me when it was finished, mailed him money and I received it promptly. I opened it to see the axe and man I was blown away. The axe is beautiful! I was blown away by Ike’s craftsmanship and plan on getting my own axe now.

  6. Received the Timber pup that Ike made for me today. It’s a fine example of American craftsmanship.
    The handle is fit so tight where it passes through head it expands to larger than the eye; there is not the slightest gap. The only way this handle is coming off of this axe is if it is cut off.

    The sheath is made to last by an expert leather worker; this sheath is made to last decades.
    Thank you! Ike for the first rate hand axe.

    Michael in Wy

  7. Ike, received my trail axe today. Could not be any happier. Your workmanship and quality of materials is outstanding. Thank you for the great axe.

  8. I’m so happy with my experience with Ike. He’s a joyful person and that reflects in his work. I ordered a Canoe, Carpenter and a Chipper. They are absolutely stunning. One should not expect a hand forged axe to have perfect symmetry, yet these bits are amazing. All three of them. The handles are beautiful and ergonomic and the grain was aligned appropriately. They are tuned and sharpened to a fine knives’ edge. Oh, and the sheathes, I didn’t expect to comment on those, but they are first class. I received three variations, and they all match their respective model and each other.

    Mr. Ike, stay awesome sir. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with you. I anticipate these axes to last generations.

    In short, BUY AN AXE FROM IKE! American signature hand made products of this quality are only going to take longer to make, raise in price and get harder to acquire. Get yours now.

    Parker, CO

  9. Wow isn’t a big enough word for this ax. It has exceeded all expectations in beauty and quality. I ordered mine from Ike a few months ago and it was worth the wait in every way. Ike is a true professional – he responds quickly, is smart, and most importantly – cares a ton. Interacting with Ike to get this ax made has been a pleasure and I thought would easily be the best part of ordering this ax, but surprisingly – no, it’s the ax. This is the most beautiful ax I’ve ever seen. It’s built well and will last a lifetime. I wish I could post a photo, but it wouldn’t do it justice. He could have easily charged more and it still would have been worth it. Finding Ike’s website was like finding the golden ticket – thank you, Ike!!!!!!

  10. I really wasn’t sure what I wanted, but decided on the Bush Ax. After receiving the ax, I am really impressed and happy. Real great ax. Fits perfectly. Great job.

  11. To Ike Bullington,
    Upon opening your shipping box and unwrapping what was the most impressive little jewel of an Axe (Timber Pup) that I ever held in my hand. At 62yrs old and still climbing trees, pruning shooting lanes, building ground blinds, while scouting whitetail sign and clearing entrance trails to and from stands, this little gem of an axe is something I should been carrying throughout my entire bow hunting career. Words alone can not speak to what you have in your hand when holding it for the first time. All I could think of was, over my lifetime where I could of used such a little axe during many scouting and hunting adventures. Let alone helping with the game harvested. Let me tell you, those pelvic bones are gonna be know match for this little bit. The edge is so surgical sharp; just incredible. The AMERICAN CRAFTSMANSHIP put into this axe is paramount to any tool I’ve ever used in the field. Seriously!!!! This axe is beyond all expectations in Balance, Quality, Workmanship, robust material, all combined in a visual package that is so appealing (PATINA) to the eye. Nothing less of a BIG SMILE on my face when I hold it in my hand. Can not wait to use this in the upcoming bow season in Ohio. The superior quality of leather and the tightness of all the stitched seams in the sheath combined with the collar I had ordered for the little axe, couldn’t be more pleased with that set up. What a feel in my hand with that collar tight up on the lugs for precision hand work up close with this little bit. I’ll be ordering many more axes from Wolf Valley Forge, house of excellent workmanship in hand forge. Believe me everyone of my Grandsons will have one of these little axes on their outdoor journeys going forward. I just wished I would of ordered the ceramic rod and stone puck with the sheath made for both.

    For those who are hesitant in ordering one of Ike’s axes, don’t think twice about it. The lead time it takes to get one of these jewels of an axe SPEAKS VOLUMES as to what you’re dealing with here. That lead time speaks volumes to his craftsmanship in forging axes. He is truly building a Brand that’s truly very special in the forged axe world. I’m ordering five more very soon. Thank you Ike; you truly have a special talent and pride in your work ethics and character you display towards life. I have the utmost respect for you and look forward in doing business with you in the near future. The Best to you in all things in Life you do.

  12. Mr. Ike crafted twin trail axes for my brother and me. They are works of art that serve a purpose. Every aspect of this transaction went smoothly and was above expectations. Communication, customer service and the final products were outstanding. I cannot recommend Wolf Valley Forge enough. I will be ordering another axe in the future.
    Thank you Ike and I wish you much success…….however, not too much until I get my next axe!

  13. I bought 13 trail axes for my groomsmen and brother in laws for my wedding. On top of being an absolutely incredible talent (I mean these axes are works of art), Ike is professional, kind and communicative. I really appreciate these treasures and encourage anyone reading this to take the leap and get one of these from Wolf Valley.

  14. Ike,
    I just spent 3 intensive days working with your mini pro carver. Like all your axes (this is my fourth!), it’s beautifully made, well balanced and razor sharp out of the package. Using the axe I made 2 spoons and a bowl from the same green log. The axe was an absolute pleasure to use. Even though its a big carving axe, the sharp single bevel profile made detail work easy.
    Thanks for making these beauties.

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