Hello there, and Happy Spring!
Hope you and yours are well on this beautiful Friday. Oh, by the way, have you seen our newest product?
We were so excited when these axe pucks arrived, and now we’re super excited to have them stocked and ready to ship out to all of you!
These Arctic Fox Axe Pucks are made in the USA, and stamped with our Wolf Valley Forge logo! They are double-sided with a smoother 400-grit side and a rougher 240-grit side, to cover those touch-up or slightly tougher sharpening jobs.
Feel free to head on over to our new Sharpeners page for more pictures and information about our new WVF Axe Pucks. Oh, and if you order before the end of March, you get a $5 discount on each puck!!
Thanks so much for visiting the blog, and we hope you have a great day!