Canoe Axe Close-Ups
Happy Wednesday everyone! Today I’m popping in to share a closer look at the Canoe Axe. The Canoe Axe is the big boy of the current Wolf Valley Forge models. Its overall length is approximately 26-inches, and its head weight is just shy of 2 lbs., making it ready for most jobs in the woods.…
Last Call for Christmas Orders!
Happy Saturday everyone! We hope you’re enjoying a beautiful day! Today the sun’s shining here, and Ike has some new, exciting video projects in the works… So be sure to keep an eye out for those coming soon! We wanted to let you know that we’ve about reached the deadline for Christmas axe orders. It’s…
Hunting Season
Happy September everyone! Official Fall is right around the corner, which also means…hunting season! What’s your favorite season- Dove, Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Squirrel, Hog, Bear? This girl loves her some hunting! She can flat flush some birds or chase a squirrel to your side of the tree, and tagging along to pick up “her deer”…