Category: Canoe Axe

Canoe Axe Close-Ups

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today I’m popping in to share a closer look at the Canoe Axe. The Canoe Axe is the big boy of the current Wolf Valley Forge models. Its overall length is approximately 26-inches, and its head weight is just shy of 2 lbs., making it ready for most jobs in the woods.…

By WolfValleyForge February 19, 2020 0

Hunting Season

Happy September everyone! Official Fall is right around the corner, which also means…hunting season! What’s your favorite season- Dove, Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, Squirrel, Hog, Bear? This girl loves her some hunting! She can flat flush some birds or chase a squirrel to your side of the tree, and tagging along to pick up “her deer”…

By WolfValleyForge September 3, 2019 0