Category: Axe Close-Ups

Canoe Axe Close-Ups

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today I’m popping in to share a closer look at the Canoe Axe. The Canoe Axe is the big boy of the current Wolf Valley Forge models. Its overall length is approximately 26-inches, and its head weight is just shy of 2 lbs., making it ready for most jobs in the woods.…

By WolfValleyForge February 19, 2020 0

A Trail Axe Photoshoot

Hello everyone! It’s a cozy, rainy day here, and I’m popping in to share some pictures from a fairly recent Trail Axe picture session. This Trail Axe features a Chocolate Brown Hickory handle. This particular one also carries a Standard Belt Sheath, in the standard Dark Brown color option. You may also notice that we’ve…

By WolfValleyForge February 10, 2020 0

Timber Pup Close-Ups

Hey everyone, I’m popping in today with a closer look at a custom Timber Pup. The Timber Pup is one of the little members of the Wolf Valley Forge axe model group. It has an overall length of about 11-inches and a head weight of 13- to 14-ounces. Whether you’re splitting kindling, making shooting-lane adjustments,…

By WolfValleyForge October 15, 2019 0

Bush Axe Close-Ups

Hey there! Today I’m popping in to share some pictures of two custom Bush Axes. The Bush Axe is our second largest model, with a handle length of 21-inches and a head weight of 1lb. 6-7oz. The Bush Axe above has several different custom options. It features a Chestnut Hickory handle, with Handle Cross-Hatching and…

By WolfValleyForge September 17, 2019 0

Carpenter Close-Ups

Hey there everyone! We hope you’re enjoying this great Tuesday. We’ve had a cool breeze blowing that gives a lovely hint of fall-around-the-corner… Today I have some pictures to share of two custom Carpenter’s Axes. The one on the left has a Chestnut-dyed Hickory handle with handle Cross-Hatching, Handle Scorching, and a Dark Brown leather…

By WolfValleyForge July 23, 2019 1