Hello there, and Happy Spring!

Hope you and yours are well on this beautiful Friday. Oh, by the way, have you seen our newest product?

sharpener, ceramic rod, outdoor, wolf valley forge, axe, axe sharpener, knife sharpener, sharpening, dull, ceramic sharpener, rods, sharpening rod, forge, handmade, usa made, axe acessories, WVF axes, how to sharpen axes, backwoodsman, survival, hand sharpener, axe pucks, Wolf Valley Forge Axe Puck, Arctic Fox Axe Puck

We were so excited when these axe pucks arrived, and now we’re super excited to have them stocked and ready to ship out to all of you!

These Arctic Fox Axe Pucks are made in the USA, and stamped with our Wolf Valley Forge logo! They are double-sided with a smoother 400-grit side and a rougher 240-grit side, to cover those touch-up or slightly tougher sharpening jobs.

sharpener, ceramic rod, outdoor, wolf valley forge, axe, axe sharpener, knife sharpener, sharpening, dull, ceramic sharpener, rods, sharpening rod, forge, handmade, usa made, axe acessories, WVF axes, how to sharpen axes, backwoodsman, survival, hand sharpener, axe pucks, Wolf Valley Forge Axe Puck, Arctic Fox Axe Puck

Feel free to head on over to our new Sharpeners page for more pictures and information about our new WVF Axe Pucks. Oh, and if you order before the end of March, you get a $5 discount on each puck!!

Thanks so much for visiting the blog, and we hope you have a great day!

Hello everyone!

We hope you’re having a great Tuesday. Ike had the forge heated up this afternoon working on Trail Axe heads, and I took the opportunity to snap a few process pictures to share with all of you. Enjoy!

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release
Heating in the forge
handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release
Drifting the hour-glass
Shaping the bit
Stamping the Wolf Valley Forge brand
handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release
Time to cool

Thanks so much for visiting the blog, and we hope you’re enjoying a great week!

Happy Thursday everyone!

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

Can you guess what this means? Yep, it’s a load of kiln-dried lumber! Each Wolf Valley Forge axe is fit with a Tennessee Hickory handle, so it’s certainly a plus to have a load of it on hand. Now it’s ready to cut and shape to someone’s custom, handforged axe head!

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

I offer the finished Hickory handles in either a Chestnut-dyed color, a Chocolate Brown, or a Natural Hickory finish.

Oh, by the way, the three little Timber Pup handles that are pictured above were part of a photo shoot yesterday…have you seen the new pictures on our Timber Pup belt axe model page? You might enjoy checking them out here!

Thanks so much for visiting the blog today! We hope you’re having a great day out there.

Hello everyone!

Thanks for reading the blog today. We’re just popping in with a couple pictures from a recent batch of Ceramic Axe Sharpening Rods.

sharpener, ceramic rod, outdoor, wolf valley forge, axe, axe sharpener, knife sharpener, sharpening, dull, ceramic sharpener, rods, sharpening rod, forge, handmade, usa made, axe acessories, WVF axes, how to sharpen axes, backwoodsman, survival, hand sharpener, handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release
In the works…

These sharpeners come with American Hickory handles, available in Natural, Chocolate Brown, or Chestnut-dyed, just like the axes! When you’re ordering an axe, be sure to look for the “Add-Ons” option in the order form, to add one of these sharpening rods to your order.

sharpener, ceramic rod, outdoor, wolf valley forge, axe, axe sharpener, knife sharpener, sharpening, dull, ceramic sharpener, rods, sharpening rod, forge, handmade, usa made, axe acessories, WVF axes, how to sharpen axes, backwoodsman, survival, hand sharpener, handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release
Ready for you!

Or, if you’d like to order just a sharpener separate, scroll to the bottom of the Custom Options page for an order button just for them.

Thanks so much for looking, and we hope you’re enjoying your March so far!

With the introduction of my brand-new Carpenter’s Axe model, I’m so excited to share with all of you a short video in which I demonstrate a little further the specs and use of this axe.

It was really fun to get out and make this video. Of all things as soon as we got out there it started pouring down rain, but besides getting everything a little wet, a little rain never hurt anybody, right?

Thanks for checking it out, and I hope you’ll enjoy watching!

Hello everyone!

I hope you’ve all been having a great February. Around here we’ve been buzzing with exciting new products and plans lately, and I’m so excited to share some of these new things with all of you!

Thank you for reading the blog today, and please make sure to check back often for more news!

But without further adieu, I’d like for you to meet:

The Carpenter’s Axe

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

I’m super excited about this new axe model! The Carpenter’s Axe is made from the same high-quality 4142 Chromoly steel as the other five axe models, and also graces an American Hickory handle, available in Natural, Chocolate Brown, or Chestnut-dyed color options.

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

The Carpenter is forged a little thinner with a straighter bit, giving it more of a bearded-type head that’s great for green wood carving.

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

With my current testing so far, I’ve been really happy with the size and
thinner profile of this new model.

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

For a few more specs on the Carpenter’s Axe:

The overall handle length is about 20-inches
The head length is about 6-inches
The cutting edge is about 3 1/2-inches
The head weight is about 1lb. 5oz.

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

And with the Carpenter’s Axe, I also introduced a special sheath design, featuring a cord and push-button closure. This leather cover allows for the Carpenter to be put in your pack, stored under the seat in your truck, or you can even carry it on your belt.

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in america, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe, carpenter's axe, Wolf Valley Forge, Wolf Valley Forge axe release

For more information, or to be one of the first to order your own Carpenter, please head on over to their special page, and feel free to ask me any questions you may have!

Thank you all so much for looking, and I hope you have a great day! Don’t forget to stay tuned for more news…

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Wolf Valley Forge blog! We’ve had so many exciting things going on around here, that we decided it was high-time for us to share some of it with all of you.

handmade, usa made, usa made axe, hatchet, chopping, wood chopping, outdoor, outdoorsman, survival, backwoodsman, hickory, axe made in amera, axes made in the usa, ike bullington, isaac bullington, wolf valley forge, valley forge, pack axe, back packing, camping, trail axe, hunting axe, trappers axe, camp axe, bush axe, belt axe, pack axe, leather shoulder rig, chopping axe, leather axe carrier, shoulder sling for axe

Here you can expect to find pictures, instructionals, sneek-peeks and news from Wolf Valley Forge that we’re super excited to share with you! Thank you so much for all of your interest and support!

We hope you have a great day, and stay tuned for more very soon…