Ike’s Sharpening Video

Hey there everyone! Have you seen Ike’s latest video?

In this video, he shares his method and ideas for sharpening and maintaining the edge of your axe. We hope you’ll enjoy and find these tips helpful to keep your Wolf Valley Forge axe in shape and ready for any backwoods adventure!

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If you’re interested in the Ceramic Sharpening Rods and Axe Pucks, like Ike uses in the video, you can check them out over under the Sharpeners page. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog. We hope you have a super day!

1 Comment on “Ike’s Sharpening Video

  1. Hay Ike, I just love the carpenter’s axe I just got and l had thought about asking you to make a video about how to sharpen your axes, but then l was browsing through your blog and saw this video. Thanks for posting it.

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