The Photo Contest
A special thank you to all who entered our 2024 Wolf Valley Forge Photo Contest!! We received some amazing entries (see below) which were entered into a random drawing for a free Wolf Valley Forge Axe!
We hope you’ll enjoy the photos below, and don’t forget to keep your camera ready, just in case we get to do a 2025 photo contest! Please note that some of the pictures aren’t posted here (if we received multiple photos that are similar), but we put a lot of thought into trying to count the entries carefully.

Thank you for sharing your photo, Mr. Robert J.!

Mr. Kenly N. enjoyed his Nessmuk for some trimming work.

These collections are looking great, from Mr. Ray P. (left) and Mr. Kenly N. (right).

We hope you’ll enjoy seeing a collection of photos below that were submitted by our customers, for the 2023 Wolf Valley Forge Photo Contest as well! Thank you so much to everyone who participated!

Tim’s axe is looking great alongside his beautiful Pacific NW Blacktail!

Carl’s son bagged this fantastic 8-point in his first hunting year! Way to go!!

Robert T. shared a photo of his Nessmuk, along with some special family memory items!

We always love seeing your trophy pictures, Dennis – Fantastic job on getting that buck with a long bow!

Great job, nailing this beautiful buck, Jake!

Thank you for sharing your Wolf Valley Forge family lineup, Dillon!

That’s a beautiful bass, Jake!!

Thank you for sharing your axe and rig, Robert J.!

Angela shared these photos of friend Dan enjoying his Trail Axe!

Bill and his axe are doing some excellent work on this timber frame structure – super cool!

Thank you for sharing your Elk hunt success with us, Greg H.!

Beautiful White Bass, Dillon!

Cal’s axe is looking super cool there!

We loved seeing your Trail Axe and your festive tree, Ryan!

What a whopper! Great catch, Dawson!

Dillon’s setup is looking super cool!

This looks like a cool project and a beautiful setting, sharing from the Underwood family!

We loved seeing how you display your axe, Ryan H.!

Dustin shared his beautiful buck, and we loved seeing that little Kephart on the job!

You’ve got a great lineup, Dawson!

We’re so happy to see your axe is greatly enjoyed, Aaron!

Great catch, Gabe!!

Congratulations, Jenny, on a great hunt!

That’s a fantastic fish, Dennis! Bet there was some good eating after that day! 😉